Monday 25 July 2011

what this bbq needs is... monopoly

Summer is back (don't jinx it)

A bit of summer classics:

Our new Venus fly trap eating a wasp - good for you Venus!
Drinking Monopoly which got a bit out of hand
A fly dying in my cider
Josh tending to his vegetables... what old people we are!
Monocles, top hats and smoking pipes, well we were playing monopoly
Juicy burgers with plastic cheese

AND that completes another little list.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

mr blue sky

Iceland 2010

(sorry it isn't very good quality... I'm very impatient when waiting for things to load)

I found this and just had to share it.
This is just a little something I made when we went to Iceland one Christmas and stayed in a posh posh hotel. We also epically failed to see the Northern lights (which ended up being a mad chase around some dark hills in the middle of the night in big coaches wearing thermals and sitting alongside a lot of fancy tourists with big arse cameras... you know... the real romantic types)

BUT Iceland is a pretty lovely place. And wrapping up warm isn't always a un-sexy thingggg.

I just love my bear hat.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


 Before you commit to reading this... you should know: 
I like to make lists and stroke bunnies

a few late night thoughts from a little mind

 I'm not a very good writer. I prefer to take pictures and draw stuff, I told my friends that when I get really drunk I start looking at people's faces really up close and FRIENDLY LIKE and imagine how I would draw them. Its not that I am a talented painter or anything special... I'm just happiest with a pen and an empty patch of paper to CLAIM AS MINE. 

ALSO I realised over the last few YEARSSS that I have had possibly a brilliant skill.... I can't have horrible friends. 

Partly because I am a big CRY BABY and if people say anything slightly mean about me, I do cry. Trust me, I have many weird tendencies from people judging. Like excessive shaving habits, even in winter my legs are HAIRLESSS, and most girls will probably rub their legs now. And I cry at films a lot too. Even if I start watching them half way through (although Jurassic Park is always on at the right time for my weekends and I love a bit of dinosaur munching)


The reason I made this little discovery is because I like friends and drawing. TADAAA. What a let down of a conclusion to my ramblings. I really meant to say something profound. 

But I prefer nonsense. I prefer eating beef slices out of the sandwiches they are meant to be put in, and whole blocks of cheese on its own, and marking down on our poo chart when I do the businesssssss in the toilet as me and Josh want to know who poos more, and falling asleep to makeup tutorials from the kind of elegant-soothing-going to fall asleep now voice of Michelle Phan even though there is no waaaay I would ever put anything but eyeliner on these eyes (i'm a wimp), and buying chitty chitty bang bang on ebay for a pound because I earn monies now and I like having a film that has the phrase 'bang bang' in it, and buying bubble wands and Swedish cider from tescos and justifying this as a good shopping trip, and thinking sky lanterns are useless when in fact it was the alcohol the first time round that probably was the reason for our massive failures in any making them fly further than the nearby trees, and playing balderdash with naughty answers, and still thinking gorilla sounds are scary, and believing that dying my hair ginger was a good idea (it was not), and reading porn magazines on the toilet like a LAD, and sitting in the back garden with my best friends deciding if the cat is going to be our friend today as she often pees in strangers shoes....

the list goes on and on and on.

But just for tonight... I bored you with it :)

Friday 8 July 2011