Gothenburg in picture postcards


If you do ever get the opportunity to visit Sweden, take a trip to Gothenburg. Its not a busy city with a quiet expenisve night life if you don't know where to look... however if you love exploring and amazing, untouched views then its perfect.

I would personally recommend the following activities (there are obviously other things to do, like the shopping and other museums... but these were my favourites):

  1. Universeum - this is basically like a zoo inside, you get really upclose with monkeys, sharks and amazingly exotic birdies. If you like that sort of thing... go!
  2. The Gothenburg Eye - it is a fast moving ferris wheel with views that are stunning
  3. Branno Islands - take the ferry across to the islands, its dirt cheap as the bus pass will work on this system, Branno is tiny and so quiet but there is a cute little cafe in the heart, sheltered beaches and sheepies!
  4. The ferry to Denmark - Stena ferries are fairly well priced unless you plan an overnight cruise and Denmark is well worth a visit. Skagen is beautiful and there are loads of little hotels that are cheap and full of character. Avoid going to the touristy bars for cheaper alcohol and a real sense for the local people who all sing and dance with you.
  5. Art and Photography Museum - I love art and photography and if you do too... then perfect :)
  6. Fresh fish Market - the fresh fish market is in the center of town in a bizarre converted church, inside the sellers are eager to tell you all about their catches and how to prepare them best... and this fish is probably the most freshest and delicious EVER.
  7. Climb a hill and enjoy the views - Gothenburg is very hilly, if you head towards the Universeum and Liseberg there is a hill past the student blocks that offers the most incredible views through the trees.
  8. Watch a football match - there are two stadiums in Gothenburg, the outdoor one hosts football matches almost every two weeks and the supporters and joyful and its really a whole family thing, whilst also offering well priced beer and a great atmosphere.
  9. Liseberg - a themepark that looks terrifying from afar and full of rides to bursting.
  10. Eating/drinking out - the Swedish people love cafes, there are so many with fresh coffee and cakes and eating out in the evening there is so much option. For swedish food like elk stew then Smaka is really good. For nights out head to Chez Amis or the bars around this (I think one is called Charlie's angels!) as the prices are so much cheaper.