Wednesday 21 September 2011

if the world was an oyster...

would i be the squidgy bit in the middle? 
Because I don't like that bit.

I am going to Asia in 10 days!!

Its so exciting that I can pee regularly. 

However, I am currently having those frequent dreams about all the things you dread happening to you when you are away... such as: my camera breaking, me forgetting any clothes, it raining for the entire time, dinosaurs chasing me, getting flu, not packing anything remotely useful (such as pulling out a whole lot of balloons and no pants OH and my biggest fear of forgetting my pill) and a dog biting my finger off.
Is it weird these have all been dreamt about?

BUT... I cannot wait to see everythinggg.

 With views that make you go "doubbllleee rainboowww.. wooooowww"

Both those little beauts of memories are from Morocco.
 To the plane please.
I would quite like to go for ages, thank you. 
I want to see all the sights in the sunshine
I want to mingle in and out of little towns
I want to ride an elephant
I want to swim in the sea with fishiiesss that don't want to eat me
I want to see all the temples
 A friendly tiger would be nice, not locked away, roaming free and dandy with me (as I pointed out to Josh, I don't really intend to see this in Asia, but if I am going for ages maybe a tiger friend would be a nice addition, they are pretty)
And I want to be doing this with all new pretty clothes on my skin and bones
And maybe a re-appearance of my freckles and tan

Sunday 18 September 2011

cadburys land

 A bit of domestic violence on the cadbury's ride

Basically, our day consisted of:

A rugby morning, hash browns for breakfast, making a bag full of things for ASIA, free chocolate on entrance to cadbury's land, a magician who told us adults cannot produce coins from our ears (bad times), a bit of learning about chocolate, getting stuck on a kid's ride, eating chocolate, roast dinner with crackling and we even saw a lady make a chocolate shoe.

nom nom nom

Saturday 10 September 2011


I really love cheese 

And this fab new advert is possibly one of the greatest things to happen to TV. So enjoy. 
click me for advert time and a new craving for cheese


This picture is from Halloween a few years back. I was dressed as road kill, classy bird that I am. And before we embarked on our night out... I enjoyed some cheese.

It sums up my love for the stuff at least.

summed up, I am pretty much all about...

fish and freckles 
I don't belive that for a second but it was either fish and freckles or beef and bunnies or photos and pretty clothes or doodles and dreams or cheese and cider 

Me and my lens got all up close and personal with my fishies.

Last night I got taped to a bottle of cider and my phone. Poor me. 

Otherwise my week is going to be listed like a shopping list, because I like food:

My littlest sister passed her driving test (meaning I am the only family member not to drive)
I just ordered two joints of pork because I like the crackling so much
I got free gummy puzzle sweets when people at the station were handing them out (but not in a creepy way)
I have booked my jabs for Asia and even written down my flights all fancy-like in this new travel journal I intend to take with me
I drew Freddie Mercury right here
I have been a proper lad all week with football, curries, chanting helpful football songs whilst the boys played FIFA tournaments, beer, washing in a FREEZING cold shower one morning when the hot water was not on
I think Lenin (the shrimp) just shed his autumn creepy skin coat in order to grow BIGGER
I am obsessed with young dumb living off mum and new don't tell the bride
Jack Daniels wrote to me
A lady broke into my work place and caused a wee bit of havoc

Monday 5 September 2011

my hells kitchen obsession

Josh likes his utensils. I like my meat. 

I'm watching Hell's Kitchen and its making me think, firstly that Gordon Ramsey looks like a pug dog but secondly I really do enjoy talking about/eating/licking my lips about/watching Josh come home from Asda with crazzzyy stuff and making a meal with/trying new types of food

Josh does like to cook scrummy things. Yesterday we had a slow cooked lamb roast. (drools) We like Jamie's 30 minute meals. The chicken pie (trust it when you are adding icky mustard), duck and croutons which is orgaaaaasmiiiicccc and tray baked chicken (featured below) are my favourite. When I find more pictures hidden on my computer somewhere of these delicious times I will add them here. 

Trust me, I used to be the fussiest eater and then Josh came along. With his 'lets not waste a single bean' philosophy... the boy eats ANYTHING. (we once dug food out of the kitchen bin at university - don't panic it was in a wrapper and only out of date by about 2 hours, literally, as this was about 2am - but it was thrown away and Josh was having none of it.)

Don't everrr diet! Just maybe when the chubby cheeks appear (I used to think fat collected anywhere on the body if it wanted to... fat hands ha ha)

Want to see some of our meals?

The bottom right is home-grown courgette right from the soil into the kitchen... the magic of gardening.
nom nom nom.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Friday 2 September 2011

wish list

 Please note: on numero 8... its the earmuffs I want. That jumper is kinda odd. AND this is the right order :)

I am ill and therefore things that I want make me happy. 

Also, if you are out shopping... hello. 

And for the bigger things in life (none of these are in any particular order):
1. Safari in Africa
2. A new laptop that does not freeze all the time and makes me a little mad
3. Trans-siberian train from Russia to China
4. My own house (maybe not in a tree but a cute one too)

sharing is caring

from my little droplets of brain juice...

For those who like to talk about gay feelings and bunnies, here is one for the romantic:

According to Greek mythology, way back in the time of UNICORNS and half-man-half-goat people (really hairy man legs have the same effect in my book) the human race were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Kind of like a freaky looking monster under the bed yet they were very happy and spent their time prancing through fields with all their limbs. BUT the main god, the one that liked to push people around and was a bit of a freaky meanie, was called Zeus and he decided that these monster people were too powerful and he did not like this one bit. So with all his magical powers... he split the humans into two separate parts, right down the middle! KAZAAMMOO. Therefore, they were doomed to spend their lives in search of their other halves. However, once they found their other half and fell in love... they were complete again and could prance through fields again if they are into that sort of thing. naawwww.

ALSO for the people who just like to start a conversation with spiffing facts:

The planet Uranus was one of the first planet to be found by a uber cool scientist man looking through a telescope and going... blimey thats no moon/comet!! Soooo he had all the responsibility of naming this new planet. PRESSURE. After a long time debating and without google to help him (how did people cope?) he decided to call this awesome-new-shiny-big-plant George. Because with all his mighty brain cells he just copied the name of the current King of Britain, King George III. BUT this name did not go down well. Many people outside Britain were a bit confused... and unlike the Beckham children who are called whatever place the parents land their finger on when faced with a map of America or maybe a time they really like (half past seven... really?) I have a theory this is the time Victoria Beckham likes to fart. So they all got together, held hands and named it Uranus. (after anus)

And there you have it. My little pearls of wisdom for you fine reader people.