Saturday 10 September 2011

summed up, I am pretty much all about...

fish and freckles 
I don't belive that for a second but it was either fish and freckles or beef and bunnies or photos and pretty clothes or doodles and dreams or cheese and cider 

Me and my lens got all up close and personal with my fishies.

Last night I got taped to a bottle of cider and my phone. Poor me. 

Otherwise my week is going to be listed like a shopping list, because I like food:

My littlest sister passed her driving test (meaning I am the only family member not to drive)
I just ordered two joints of pork because I like the crackling so much
I got free gummy puzzle sweets when people at the station were handing them out (but not in a creepy way)
I have booked my jabs for Asia and even written down my flights all fancy-like in this new travel journal I intend to take with me
I drew Freddie Mercury right here
I have been a proper lad all week with football, curries, chanting helpful football songs whilst the boys played FIFA tournaments, beer, washing in a FREEZING cold shower one morning when the hot water was not on
I think Lenin (the shrimp) just shed his autumn creepy skin coat in order to grow BIGGER
I am obsessed with young dumb living off mum and new don't tell the bride
Jack Daniels wrote to me
A lady broke into my work place and caused a wee bit of havoc

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