Wednesday 21 September 2011

if the world was an oyster...

would i be the squidgy bit in the middle? 
Because I don't like that bit.

I am going to Asia in 10 days!!

Its so exciting that I can pee regularly. 

However, I am currently having those frequent dreams about all the things you dread happening to you when you are away... such as: my camera breaking, me forgetting any clothes, it raining for the entire time, dinosaurs chasing me, getting flu, not packing anything remotely useful (such as pulling out a whole lot of balloons and no pants OH and my biggest fear of forgetting my pill) and a dog biting my finger off.
Is it weird these have all been dreamt about?

BUT... I cannot wait to see everythinggg.

 With views that make you go "doubbllleee rainboowww.. wooooowww"

Both those little beauts of memories are from Morocco.
 To the plane please.
I would quite like to go for ages, thank you. 
I want to see all the sights in the sunshine
I want to mingle in and out of little towns
I want to ride an elephant
I want to swim in the sea with fishiiesss that don't want to eat me
I want to see all the temples
 A friendly tiger would be nice, not locked away, roaming free and dandy with me (as I pointed out to Josh, I don't really intend to see this in Asia, but if I am going for ages maybe a tiger friend would be a nice addition, they are pretty)
And I want to be doing this with all new pretty clothes on my skin and bones
And maybe a re-appearance of my freckles and tan

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