Monday 24 October 2011

the trip to the land of no cheese

My trip to ASIA

I have just got back from 3 weeks of:
£2 a night hostels,
Buckets of alcohol,
Mosquito bites,
The best food from little street stalls (with no translation available),
Long 18 hour coach journeys with air conditioning that makes you shiver even in a country where outside its 35 degrees,
Views that make you smile,
People you meet for a day and feel like they are your best friends,
Bottles of water,
The friendliest locals,
Bottles of Chang/ Beer Laos and Tiger,
The 'Asia' smell,
The most beautiful temples with elaborate designs,
Markets that are full of the most bizarre things including real life squirrels, dancing toys and squid sticks,
Clear water,
Sweaty foreheads

The basics of our wee trip: 

Fly into Kuala Lumpur and then straight away a flight to Bangkok, one jetlagged night in Bangkok, sleeper train to Laos, Laos tubing and chilling out, coach back to Bangkok and a day spend around the weekend market and temples, minivan to Kanchanaburi for the elephants, coach/boat to Koh Phangan for the FULL MOON PARTY, boat back to Surat Thani, bus to Hat Yai and enjoyed Thai fried chicken, across the border to Pulau Pinang the island of little discoveries and finally a coach to Kuala Lumpur for our flight home.

All will be revealed in the next few posts :)

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