Monday 31 October 2011

back to the brummie flat

This is my little interlude from all the travelling talk....
Halloween weekend

The basics:
1. New fish: Barnabus the big polka dot fish (Captain Pugwash's first mate), Rafiki our little white fish with a red bum tail, Rocky the slow moving sharky fish and Meatloaf the fatty.
2. Freckles are fading already so I had to document it when I am slightly tanned
3. A Halloween get together including fake blood all over my bathroom floor and a livingroom that smells like cooked breakfast and left over beer.
4. My first pumpkin I have ever carved which I am awfully proud of **
5. Back to British food of steak pie/pizza/chips/apples/cheese
6. Josh is back to gardening
7. Speaking to the lovely friends for hours on the phone and watching gremlins with them whilst in pjs and having bed hair.
9. Lie-ins in my double bed-messy bedroom-flat knowing there isn't a check out time or a shower with cold water and a toilet that is a squat... and this is made better when I wake up next to him. nawwww. Even though at the weekend I was even luckier and woke up next to two hotties (ha ha... one had breasts)
10. Bath time with rubber ducks and pirate ships

So its good to be home... even if all I want to do is go travelling again!

** When I was younger my family did not do anything for Halloween but I just like it because we get to eat chocolate out of a pumpkin, I get an excuse to dress up and it makes me laugh when I see people's costumes and everyone being freaky-looking for just one night. After all, this is my favourite song of Halloween and its TERRIBLE! ha ha.

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