Thursday 27 October 2011

Day 8: the Bangkok weekend market

Day 8:
Puppies, kittens, bunnies, squirrels and squid

Our day back in Bangkok started with a change of hostel, now we were staying in Lumpa House, an amazing hostel just down the road from the Khao San Road with a waterfall in the courtyard and friendly staff! We popped out for a delicious breakfast and then got a tuk tuk to the weekend market.

The weekend market (otherwise known as Chatuchak market or the JJ market) is a bit further out of Bangkok, but you can get a tuk tuk there is about 15 minutes... if you get a crazy driver like ours! We got ours for free again by going to a jewelery shop first, although this was made slightly awkward when the lady showed us loads of rings after Josh joked about wanting a pimp ring for me to kiss. She honestly thought Josh wanted this HUGE diamond one! He also insisted I called him Randy whenever we go into these shops. BRILLIANT. ha ha.

 The market is mental! Its HUGE and you get lost so easily. Clothes everywhere, gadgets everywhere and a lot of crazy food. However, half way through the day I heard this yapping noise and when I followed it, we got to this animal section.

Most people hate you taking photos of the animals, mostly because the animals are not treated as they would be in the UK. For example, the squirrels really made me upset as they were strapped down by the neck so they couldn't move and all of them were dressed up in stupid hats and costumes. However, as this is a completely different culture its hard for me to understand, when this might be a common way of treating your pet in Asia (we did see a woman with a squirrel pet in her handbag). The puppies and kittens meanwhile were seemingly in much better condition. The puppies in particular were in air conditioned containers and were fed and groomed regularly. Therefore the stall owners were happy for me to take pictures... after all... they are SOOOO CUTEEE. I, personally, find it a little odd - in particular all the outfits the pet shops were selling for pets - but at least some of the animals seemed to be treated nicely and after all dogs in handbags happens in America and Britain (although I still think this is wrong too!).

I managed to get at awesome pair of Aladdin trousers (the ideal travelling companion) but when I went to upload the picture my laptop deleted it. (HELP?) But my other achievement of the day was that I tried SQUID. I have such a fear of weird food, but I have to be honest, squid was not too bad. At least Josh didn't make me eat BUGS?! We headed back to the main part of the city when the market made us so hot and sticky... mmmm nice.

The rest of our day was spent organising the next few days travel - which we ended up getting for a BARGAIN - and also as I was feeling particularly rough that day (I think it was either the lack of sleep or food?) we ended up in a little shack stall restaurant which was dirt cheap but served the most amazing food. Then we found another little market stall serving beer in front of a television showing Thai wrestling. Chang beer is surprisingly nice.

We also saw LADYBOYS, which is like a complete shock to the eyeballs. You honestly think they are women until the big feet and heavy makeup gives them away.

But we had to go fairly early to bed as we had a 5am wake up call for something UBER EXCITING... all will be revealed. 

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