Wednesday 26 October 2011

Day 5: Laos the land of tubing ruled by pringles

p.s. Pringles is a cat 

Tubing is crazy.
(Hi mum, if you are reading this... don't worry... we came back alive with only one broken toe, one bruised bum, swollen finger and scars all over our feet! ha!)

To explain the title a little: from the night before we met Pringles the cat, a little black kitten who lived in the hostel. Pringles is king of all. He caught a rat, massive cricket and many mosquitoes, he was our hero. Also, all the dogs at the hostel had massive nipples! ha ha.

We also met our other lovely hostel friends then set out tubing after a FREE breakfast of fresh cooked scrambled eggs with peppers and tasty baguettes, nom nom nom!

Tubing is basically when you get a rubber ring and you are taken to the top of the river before floating down through the rapids whilst bars on either side try to hook you in with long ropes with plastic bottles on the end that you grab. All the bars are apparently re-built every year due to the change in the flow of the river and also how deep the river is. Also most bars have slides, rope swings, zip wires and bouncy air bed things that you can fly off into the water. This combined with buckets of alcohol, spray paint (that does NOT come off) and a big party on weird little platforms... equals TUBING.

Here it goes: wee boat to the first bar, four of us trying to get to the next bar on the opposite side of the river where I bruise my bum on rocks, Josh broke his toe, dancing and free whiskey, getting spray painted, Vic bit my stomach, laughing when people miss the bar and had to walk back, bouncy air bed jumping, the most lovely Thai woman doing the YMCA... amazing, floating down the river at the end for 40 minutes as it gets dark, the most amazing view of mountains and jungles whilst in a blissful float back, trying to get out of the tube at the split of the river, hurting our feet even more on rocks, running to the tubing man, begging for our deposit back (you need to get the tube back before 6pm), failing and out to Q bar.

And then... we did it again the next day too! HA!

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