Tuesday 25 October 2011

Day 4 (we lost day 3 somewhere): the journey into Laos

Day 4:
The day of transport and Chang beer

From Bangkok we decided to take the sleeper train to the border of Laos. You can travel either first, second (split into two) or third class on this train. The third class is just a bench, second class are either more comfy seats with padding or sleeper beds that are like bunk beds in sets of four and finally first class which is a private little cabin with bunk beds - able to sleep two. Due to us still feeling the jet lag we decided first class was a better option so we could sleep when we fancied it... luxury.

However, this didn't really go to plan!! After stocking up on snacks for the train (including pot noodles, crisps and Chang beer) and also after our wee pub session we started playing a few drinking games. This gradually turned into a drinking game of Uno with the boys in the cabin next to us. That I lost horrifically!!

Josh also tricked me into thinking there was only a squat toilet available on the train, so on a moving train and being pretty unstable I peed in a hole only to find there was a toilet at the other end of the carriage. Thanks.

The wake up call the next morning at 7am by the loud train man who kept shouting about breakfast and the next stop was not very pleasant for my poor Changover. And to make matters worse, the train ended up being 4 hours late, but if you are taking transport anywhere in Asia then you always have to accept there may be an added 2 hours on your journey. We arrived at the Laos border and there is a line of tuk tuk that's greet you. The border at Laos is actually pretty easy compared to some, its simply a matter of queuing for a visa and it was roughly £16 ($25) that you can pay in dollars, Baht or Kip (but the best exchange rate is in dollars) but you will need a passport photo.

At the border we met the lovely Vic and Felix and decided to take a shared taxi together. This is where my tale turns slightly hilarious.

Basically, a checkered shirt man was meant to take us all the way to Vang Vieng and from the look of the mini bus (complete with leather seats, oh the sweaty bums) it looked like a winner. However, twenty minutes later we stopped in the middle of nowhere in order to 'pick someone up' - as claimed by the driver. This was not the case. Without really knowing what was happening we were put on a local bus with lots more people, we tried to protest but being in the middle of nowhere we didn't really have any option.

Then it gets even better.

The road into Vang Vieng is like a dirt track... complete with: cows walking across randomly, the driver stopping to kick the wheels of the van back on, pot holes the size of houses, puddles that actually swallow up the entire van but AMAZING views. So the bumpy ride that looks like it could take 2 hours, took 6! ha! Yet, this would have been quite entertaining except a Thai woman a few seats behind us was not having a nice ride.
Look away now if you have a weak stomach
She started puking about 30 minutes into the journey and did not stop until she was dropped off, this meant about 6 carrier bags of sick were leaking down the van and the smell was HORRIFIC. Also, the bus driver would not let us open the windows in order to keep the air conditioning working.

A pit stop at a road side stall was a breather for us all... until, to make the journey more exciting Felix and Josh were able to barter for 4 beers for the equivalent of £1 and our driver picked up FISH!!!

Fish and sick, nice.

We arrived in Laos in the evening after a little detour by the driver to a creepy looking hostel that we all yelled that we would not stay at! We decided to stay at a hostel called ChampaLao which was right by the river and had an amazing communal area, but it was dark so it was like a mini surprise in the morning when we saw THAT VIEW. It had cold showers and toilets with a flush you have to do manually and beds with mosquito nets, this came in useful as mosquitos LOVE ME. It was perfect.

After a meal at the 'Otherside' - best food ever and a really cool vibe with low down seating and giant pillows- we headed to Q bar for a few BUCKETS.

Thats all for now folks.

1 comment:

  1. stunning views. so jealous. look incredible.

    also, I like your red top
