Thursday 27 October 2011

Day 6 and 7: more tubing and the RESULTS of two days of tubing

I don't actually have any pictures of the second day of tubing (until I find the photos from other people!), due to my batteries running out in my camera and no plug sockets in the hostel!

Therefore, I thought instead I could show you the aftermath of tubing for two days. Firstly, tubing made me have my first western food since being abroad, a big cheesy burger on the walk home. I kind of blame my hostel friends for that one! ha! Although, honestly that hostel was the most amazing place I stayed. Everyone was so nice and we met the most lovely people: Dan, Aki, Dutch 1,2,3 and 4 and Vic and Felix! Plus all the people we met tubing... weirdly the boys from the sleeper train a few days ago too! Secondly, leaving was pretty tough as you do miss the place (honestly, I wish I had got to see more). Laos was one of those countries that is so relaxed about everything and so BEAUTIFUL.

This was our favourite little place in Laos, the 'Otherside' cafe/bar which had these incredible views and it was our last little slice of Laos before we boarded the bus back to Bangkok.

Now this bit is not pretty:
These are our little injuries (in sepia to make them less gross!!)
Now that's over, sorry!

Leaving Laos also turned into the day of 4 buses. Firstly, a tuk tuk around Vang Vieng which was so small that with all our bags and people on board we could barely fit and 3 guys had to hold on at the back, then we all were transferred to a small minibus that took us down the bumpy roads to Vientiane where we boarded tuk tuk number two to a bus/coach park and finally a coach to Bangkok that took us over the border.

Included in the package was a meal at this crazy little place just outside the border where all the locals were dancing and singing. Also, this was the moment, after knowing I had no Laos kip, I found I had spare baht coins in my purse and was able to afford a coke and water to go with my free meal... which honestly made my night! Also, at the border back into Thailand (considering we had NO Laos kip) we were able to avoid paying the 9,000 kip return fee (equivalent to 70p) because the border lady realised we had no money on us!

The last coach was a bit of a nightmare. We barely got any sleep: partly due to being freezing, the showing of 'Easy A' the film - which is dreadful by the way - and the chairs not going back very far. We arrived in Bangkok at 5am when it was tipping it down in rain! We decided to run to the nearest hostel, ironically called 'the nice hostel' and fell asleep on small blankets (by the way.. I do not recommend this hostel). With about 4 more hours of sleep and realising the bathroom door had graffiti "get out of this hostel" in large letters on the back, we decided to change hostels at 11am!


  p.s. this is my little secret

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