Friday 2 September 2011

sharing is caring

from my little droplets of brain juice...

For those who like to talk about gay feelings and bunnies, here is one for the romantic:

According to Greek mythology, way back in the time of UNICORNS and half-man-half-goat people (really hairy man legs have the same effect in my book) the human race were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Kind of like a freaky looking monster under the bed yet they were very happy and spent their time prancing through fields with all their limbs. BUT the main god, the one that liked to push people around and was a bit of a freaky meanie, was called Zeus and he decided that these monster people were too powerful and he did not like this one bit. So with all his magical powers... he split the humans into two separate parts, right down the middle! KAZAAMMOO. Therefore, they were doomed to spend their lives in search of their other halves. However, once they found their other half and fell in love... they were complete again and could prance through fields again if they are into that sort of thing. naawwww.

ALSO for the people who just like to start a conversation with spiffing facts:

The planet Uranus was one of the first planet to be found by a uber cool scientist man looking through a telescope and going... blimey thats no moon/comet!! Soooo he had all the responsibility of naming this new planet. PRESSURE. After a long time debating and without google to help him (how did people cope?) he decided to call this awesome-new-shiny-big-plant George. Because with all his mighty brain cells he just copied the name of the current King of Britain, King George III. BUT this name did not go down well. Many people outside Britain were a bit confused... and unlike the Beckham children who are called whatever place the parents land their finger on when faced with a map of America or maybe a time they really like (half past seven... really?) I have a theory this is the time Victoria Beckham likes to fart. So they all got together, held hands and named it Uranus. (after anus)

And there you have it. My little pearls of wisdom for you fine reader people.

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