Friday 30 March 2012

a wee bit of fame

Recently I have been featured in a few magazines and on a Graduate Recruitment website due to being hired as an intern for a small business.


 But, it is a really good programme that helps new businesses by providing a payroll scheme for 12 weeks. We actually had about 2 hours doing a photo shoot and an interview full of many questions about the role and we may be featured in more articles later! haa!

I got the photos back the other day and my oh my there was one that I am blowing out my cheeks that is HILARIOUS. I have no idea why they did not choose that one.

Enjoy my happy mug in magazines to come.

Thursday 29 March 2012


Some photos from my phone of March time!

Red Lippy. duck feeding. sunshine. BBQ. lunches in the park. zoo monkey hugs. 

drinking monopoly. blossom. blue skies. animation. cider.

metro reading. Josh's yellow trousers. summer dresses. dream jobs. mini eggs.

pub evenings. freckles. the Apprentice. Ribena. £1 baguettes.

sandals. packing and failing.

Ta, March.

Monday 26 March 2012

the British love a bit of sun

and so do these animals... (part 2)

As promised I said I would cover the two remaining stories:
2. Cheetahs mean business
3. Every animal loves sunshine lounging 

SO THERE WE GOOO (Story 3 is above, Story 2 is below). 

Bet your well happy now.

Bit of vitamin E.
Bit of animal photo-joy
Bit of meerkat stomach

Story 2

We were in the cheetah section and the car in front broke down. This is never a fun thing to do in the middle of a wild animal enclosure. We also quite enjoyed seeing people peering over to see why the young lad had stopped (thinking it may have been animal antics or something bloomin exciting) to only find a broken down car. Now the cheetah area is divided off by a fence and all the cheetahs were just lounging around in the sun like gods. BUT the silly man got out of the car (naughty naughty) to try and fix it. ERROR.

As soon as he got one foot out of the car, about 6 cheetahs immediately ran towards him and started pacing up and down the fence. It was terrifying to see them react soooo quickly!! Then angry jeep people came. FUN OVER.

Cheetah 1 - Human 0

Also, Jeeps painted like tigers from a distance look like an Elephant painted like a tiger on rollerblades.

Now, go back to your normal lives and belly flop into the week.


Sunday 25 March 2012

a zoo themed weekend

part 1
We had a very Zoo themed weekend.

Went and saw "We bought a Zoo" 
Trundled over to West Midlands Safari for a day of these kind of beauts:

Firstly we went to the Electric Cinema in Birmingham, which is the oldest cinema in the UK to watch a bit of "We bought a Zoo".

This is a film thats based on a real-life story about a family that buy a Zoo, which is AMAZING. The film was not as brilliant as expected due to the cheesy nature of it all, but still made me chuckle and draw close to tears (note: I did not cry!) ... so I would not put people off going if you want a really feel-good tingle after. Plus the little girl is sooooo cute in it!

The real story interested me a bit more, and the changes were all approved by the real Benjamin, the main differences:

1. Benjamin's wife actually died after they had bought the zoo
2. In real life, the kids are younger and a Jaguar escapes instead of a bear
3. Also it was much harder to buy the Zoo than the film depicts, it took the family years to buy it together.

The cinema was amazing, great cocktails, non-bland-popcorn-snacks, really vintage and big leather sofas... excellent.

The Zoo day was more a sun-filled day of animals dribbling on me.

Three stories from this day:
1. The story of slobber
2. Cheetahs mean business
3. Every animal loves sunshine lounging 

Story one in pictures:

Stories 2 and 3 laterr aliggatorrr.

Saturday 24 March 2012

happy spring lovers

I love sunshine so very much

And this is how my afternoon was spent... making stupid faces. HUZZAH
Cider. Monopoly. Burgers. Ladybirds. Camera. Draw Free Game. Making a picnic. Cucumbers. Off to the Electric Cinema tonight (the oldest British cinema) to watch "We bought a Zoo". Cheese slices. sunshine. long socks and dresses. taddaaa

a day of discoveries

 I have spent my week dashing around like a dancing lemur.
Like this

My work is excellent currently. I am learning loads and testing new designs for future projects. Its so up my street, I might as well own the street. The whole goddam cityyyy.

Talking about streets, I also went and saw Avenue Q. Its an excellent show full of humour and rude songs! ha! But my favourite bit was the bad influence bears/bad idea bears. I feel I am one. Seriously, in my onsie with a free evening, LETS GET A CRATE

I also went and attended the Web Fuelled Business conference in Liverpool, where I got to meet Doug Richard from Dragon's Den and learnt lots and lots of things about new business know how.

As a result, and with nothing to do with the above, I thought I would share some weekend treats for youu. 

As I love looking at everybody's art this is a brilliant cat-map of the world. I like how England is simply one moggy sitting in the sea.

I am going to start Alpaca approaching everyone I know

Love Zooey Deschanel as much as me? Then this site was co-founded by her, and contains things about kittens, barbies and all things cute. Following that theme, this is a beautiful duet  by my two favourite stars of 500 days of Summer. 

 I really want this for my new house

I really wish I could make this its soooo sweet!

I hope you enjoyed your uber sunnnyyy day!

Monday 19 March 2012

gaining a small hat

St paddy's and a bacon breakfast

St Paddy's 2012. A mixture of playing pyramids and dancing to Bewitched and Flogging Molly.

And here are a few classy pictures for youuu.

Some Irish love:

Otherwise, ta ta for now. Golly I love the Irish :)

Saturday 17 March 2012

My few in a frame

After attending a photo shop training course, I have been having a bit more of an experiment and decided to frame some pictures that sum up me and Josh using my new skillssss.


I also purchased a pretty dress and want spring to hurry up and get here.

Other than that, I am pretty boring today. However, as usual, I shall share some more finds for you!! I'm going to make this a more normal occurrence. So if you enjoy cats and funny videos... welcome.

Today's theme: Penguins

This is how entertained I am today.

 2. A vain penguin we snapped at the Zoo

3. Don't be too offended by this: The yeti Olympic game - penguin hitting

5. And a picture of a worker penguin is right here


Thursday 15 March 2012

committing like a tortoise

(embarrassingly enough, I had to google how to spell committing. I did not realise how many 'tt's and 'mm's were in that word)

These are a few recent bits and bobs lost in my laptop that I thought I would share.

They are a collection of our duck feeding trip where Josh befriended a goose and I had to keep an eye on those pesky swans in case they attacked me. When I was younger, a swan chased me and I was so scared I fell into a stinging nettle bush. Well done me.

p.s. I hate swans

The second batch of VAIN snaps were taken on our brown-poo-coloured-seat before a casual drinking binge.

So, I am currently madly dashing around my life like a tornaddoooo because for ONCE I am really fortunate enough to have an amazing job, be moving house - to a fancy pants one and have lots of things to dart about to. I am being properly put through my paces at my job and I will be soon get well acquainted with the Liverpool trainline as I spend the day at a conference. Seriously, check me out.

So this is whatsss newww pussy cat (woaaahooo)

1. I want a tortoise but I'm scared its too much commitment

2. We are watching a lot of Spooks (the old series) and I keep getting emotional about main characters dying, MAIN characters. This is unheard of.

3. Apparently cheese comes in tins in Japan. Ermm... I better explore this.

4. I'm going through a picky music phase and would welcome any recommendations of some tuuuunes that are indieee pretty please.

5. Living in this still:

6. I have to, at some point, pack up the house into boxes. Erg.

7. I got interviewed today and a man with a giant camera took many photos of me, I blinked in many, I hope he does not choose the shot of me blowing out my cheeks. That one was not fit.

8. I ate lots of Easter related chocolate

9. I am also eating like this:

10. Josh is determined to make me like Red Dwarf. I am enjoying it so much, but shhh don't tell.

11. My meals at work are £3 for sausage and bacon casserole on a jacket potato with a can of coke. Basically, its cheap but maaaan is that stodgy. I love it.

12. I bought a scetchbook and its beginning to be filled with some drawings.


Which is why, I have to be honest, I am starting to get pretty fidgety about trying to blog and such. 

Branching out moments are going to be broadcasted in the very near future.

Hooray for that.

Future Hannah normally gets all the hangovers and left-over work... this future Hannah gets exciting arty-farty things.

Saturday 10 March 2012

joyus little discoveries

Things that make me go "mmmmmm scrummy"...

1. News stories such as this one about a Possum robber

2. The new and improved Kitty lift... its perfect for fluffy white cats and is kind to the environment.

3. The new Guardian Advert about the big bad wolf.

4. Enjoy some of my favourite pictures tumblr style

5. Florence + The Machine - Shake it Out... woaaahhh

6. Decorated tights.

7. Pork crackling just like this is so scrummy, fills my tummy. And for pudding a nice cheap mini roll cake. Excellent

8. Rugby men

9. Discovering M&S do ciabatta with olives, is there anything M&S cannot do?

10. sharing is not caring for pandas at least.

So there we go lovers

brand spanking new times

so in my wee little life a lot of things are-a-changing and it goes a little like this:

(I wish I could rap because then this would just be like the Fresh Prince of Bel-air and everybody would want to be swinging their head round and round standing outside a front door of a posh mansion)

Firstly: NEW JOB
And boy is it spiffing, the second set of photos show the University campus around my work that includes a water feature that a couple of ducks use to take a dip in. I get to spend my days drawings and making iphone apps and making new designs for e-learning. Its amazing. 

Secondly: NEW HOUSE
We have had our eye on a little place for a week now, and HOPEFULLY by Monday nobody will have stolen it or burnt it down, sooooo we can put down a deposit and move in! It has a garden, amazing rooms and is close to nearby pubs, a University and a cute little village. Its bloomin perfect.

Over valentines I acquired a giant balloon with my face on it and had to take it all the way home from my parent's house to my little brummie residence. This meant I got a lot of odd stares, one wink (which was very strange) and hit many many people in the face with a blown up version of my face... huzzah. I also bought Josh some socks... for no reason... (I know, who said romance is dead?) and one SHARK FOOT makes me clap like a seal. However, at least this is not yet another post about me buying pet fish.

Fourthly (that does not sound right): NEW TIMES
I am pretty damn happy right now. I have been spending my time doodling and drawing away in a sketch book I purchased the other day. I feel like researching all the interesting things I am learning at work all the time and I have had some brilliant nights out... one which provided me with my own FREE t-shirt. Others that meant I have woken up giggling about the antics of the night before on a floor-bed with potatoe waffles for comfort food and being rugby tackled by larger people. 
Josh and I also ventured out to feed some ducks the other day and we have been getting so much better at badminton I am nearly ready to cockily challenge anybody to a game. We spend our evenings cooking fancy dishes and practising owl noises. I have recently been watching a lot of the 'Inside Men' which is a cracker of a TV show, 'The Walking Dead' and 'Take me Out'. What a lucky little life I lead.
