Sunday, 25 March 2012

a zoo themed weekend

part 1
We had a very Zoo themed weekend.

Went and saw "We bought a Zoo" 
Trundled over to West Midlands Safari for a day of these kind of beauts:

Firstly we went to the Electric Cinema in Birmingham, which is the oldest cinema in the UK to watch a bit of "We bought a Zoo".

This is a film thats based on a real-life story about a family that buy a Zoo, which is AMAZING. The film was not as brilliant as expected due to the cheesy nature of it all, but still made me chuckle and draw close to tears (note: I did not cry!) ... so I would not put people off going if you want a really feel-good tingle after. Plus the little girl is sooooo cute in it!

The real story interested me a bit more, and the changes were all approved by the real Benjamin, the main differences:

1. Benjamin's wife actually died after they had bought the zoo
2. In real life, the kids are younger and a Jaguar escapes instead of a bear
3. Also it was much harder to buy the Zoo than the film depicts, it took the family years to buy it together.

The cinema was amazing, great cocktails, non-bland-popcorn-snacks, really vintage and big leather sofas... excellent.

The Zoo day was more a sun-filled day of animals dribbling on me.

Three stories from this day:
1. The story of slobber
2. Cheetahs mean business
3. Every animal loves sunshine lounging 

Story one in pictures:

Stories 2 and 3 laterr aliggatorrr.

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