Sunday 22 April 2012

this is our new pad

We have been in our pad for a lovely 2 weeks and this is a wee glimpse at our little threesome of a house.

...and some reasons why its making me a wee bit happy:


Thursday 19 April 2012


Day 2

Pompeii is famous for being destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.  You know, when Pokemon cards were all the rage. However, the most 'mazin thing about it is, the city was preserved so perfectly by volcanic ash that now people like me can prance around it and see what it might have been like to be a Roman.

When the volcano erupted it took only moments for the city to be covered in ash and hot lava... and it was so thick and heavy that the roofs of all the buildings collapsed under the weight and the hot ash would have killed anyone not sheltering in the buildings in an instance. There are many tales of people trying to escape by boat and one famous case of a dog that was killed (poor pooch) after being covered in the ash when left chained to his master's house. Yet, because the ash filled the buildings and kept them upright and all the gooey insides were all protected.. this meant when historians (the cool cats of the world) came to explore it, they could discover everything about the city as if it had been parcelled up for them.

So, we walked around all fancy pants and saw the city. Got a bit lost. Saw a Pompeii whore house. Tried to find the people and families covered in ash (because that's the kind of family we are), which resulted in my mum asking Italians "do you know where the dead babies are?" excellent. We even sneakily followed an English tour guide for a while. FREEBIES.

We also parked in a cafe carpark and got tricked into eating their un-fresh food. BOO. So, if you go, don't do that!

I don't have a witty ending for this. Other than, I wish it was that sunny again.

Monday 16 April 2012

panda love

I love pandas.
So, today when I bought the jumper (at the very top) I got a little sidetracked. Enjoy my pandasss

Sunday 15 April 2012

bye bye flat

Josh's mum's house has a notice hanging up on the wall of her house as you come inside, it goes a little something like this:

"A happy home is a messy home, and this one is delerious"

SO... If you ever saw our flat in its normal/living-in-it state then it did not look like this:

We even added a sneaky little memory that we used to live there:

Bye bye flat. 

fancy pants

We have officially moved out of our old flat and after a weekend of scrubbing floors and smelling like swimming pools (bleachy bleach) we are now the proud renters of a WHOLE HOUSE complete with garden. This makes me squealy happy.

But, thing is, 36,000 photos exist on my laptop (I know, that is the most mental thing I have ever heard) and each time I see a CORKER of a photo it still makes me smile to think about that very moment and thinking where I might be next year.

Maybe with a whole castle

I am so snap happy.

Friday 13 April 2012

at the tippy tip of Italy

Day 1

Now in Sepia

Our touchdown in Italy started in a typically Italian way... the Naples airport was crazy. Once arriving, we attempted to get a shuttle bus to the car hire place and everyone kept swarming in front of us. This, firstly, confused us. Then it made us determined to get on the next bus. After we squeezed in and felt very pleased with ourselves, we discovered it was literally a 5 minute walk from airport. Damn.

Next we had to map read around Italy in a Citroën.

This was not easy. Especially when scooters overtake you on blind corners and buses do it too!!

We finally arrived at our fancy villa and after a few snapshots we ventured in Sorrento town centre. As it was nearly Easter there was a lot of traffic and we discovered this was because of the parade that goes on through Italy's coastal towns for Easter. We somehow took a detour to the port and managed to find a little restaurant that gave us free champagne on arrival and had views of all the massive ferries docking. It was as posh as that cat.

A few pizzas and wines later, and as we had got up at 4am (with a 6am full on cooked breakfast in the airport) I bet we looked like proper party animals.

Check out that view. bowchickwowwow

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Sorrento where the drivers are mental

That rhymed, don't you see?

This was the view from our balcony! Check us out, with a balcony.

This was a picture from the second day, the first was a little less glamorous, more waiting at the airport for crazy car hire cabs to pick everyone up (nobody queues in Italy) and then getting lost... a lot.

Turns out, near Sorrento (in the wrong direction) is a place called Angri.

When you pass it, know you have gone the wrong way, and are stuck on a motorway... it makes you kind of Angri.

Eventually arriving we had a delightful evening eating pizza by the port of Sorrento. There is a windy little road that takes you to the port and its almost scary why it is NOT a one way road as its so narrow and bendy.

A bus overtook us on it.

The chapter that begins with a new house

We have just MOVED HOUSE and its nice to be resting my noggin on a double bed in a bedroom so large I could (if I so wanted) comfortably run around it whilst wearing a robot costume made of giant boxes and a backpack that could rival those of the year 7 kids on their first day of secondary school... with many many pens.

Oh, was that just me. 

Well, I had those gel pens that smelt like bananas and had glitter in them.

We also have just come back from Sorrento, Italy. It was such a stunning place to stay, only reachable by a coastal road winding through tiny little villages and towns nestled in the cliff side. We stayed in this Villa with the rest of the family clan, it was HUGE and had views over the ocean. This was a picture taken inside that very villa. Me and Josh cannot take sensible pictures. Shortly after this was taken, Josh picked me up... upside down.

So, when I have finished diving into bags of my clothes and boxes full of paper (I don't know why we have so many boxes of paper, do other people have this problem? Or do we just like the feel of tree shavings?) ...  I shall update you.