Sunday 15 April 2012

fancy pants

We have officially moved out of our old flat and after a weekend of scrubbing floors and smelling like swimming pools (bleachy bleach) we are now the proud renters of a WHOLE HOUSE complete with garden. This makes me squealy happy.

But, thing is, 36,000 photos exist on my laptop (I know, that is the most mental thing I have ever heard) and each time I see a CORKER of a photo it still makes me smile to think about that very moment and thinking where I might be next year.

Maybe with a whole castle

I am so snap happy.


  1. Han, people are going to think this is your new house in this pic!! lol - you wish!

  2. This is true, but it is simular... if you swap the marble staircase with a fine carpet-number AND maybe the scale needs to be a little decreased. We do have a conservatory though. That definately gives me extra POSH points.
