Tuesday 10 April 2012

The chapter that begins with a new house

We have just MOVED HOUSE and its nice to be resting my noggin on a double bed in a bedroom so large I could (if I so wanted) comfortably run around it whilst wearing a robot costume made of giant boxes and a backpack that could rival those of the year 7 kids on their first day of secondary school... with many many pens.

Oh, was that just me. 

Well, I had those gel pens that smelt like bananas and had glitter in them.

We also have just come back from Sorrento, Italy. It was such a stunning place to stay, only reachable by a coastal road winding through tiny little villages and towns nestled in the cliff side. We stayed in this Villa with the rest of the family clan, it was HUGE and had views over the ocean. This was a picture taken inside that very villa. Me and Josh cannot take sensible pictures. Shortly after this was taken, Josh picked me up... upside down.

So, when I have finished diving into bags of my clothes and boxes full of paper (I don't know why we have so many boxes of paper, do other people have this problem? Or do we just like the feel of tree shavings?) ...  I shall update you.

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