Thursday 19 April 2012


Day 2

Pompeii is famous for being destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79.  You know, when Pokemon cards were all the rage. However, the most 'mazin thing about it is, the city was preserved so perfectly by volcanic ash that now people like me can prance around it and see what it might have been like to be a Roman.

When the volcano erupted it took only moments for the city to be covered in ash and hot lava... and it was so thick and heavy that the roofs of all the buildings collapsed under the weight and the hot ash would have killed anyone not sheltering in the buildings in an instance. There are many tales of people trying to escape by boat and one famous case of a dog that was killed (poor pooch) after being covered in the ash when left chained to his master's house. Yet, because the ash filled the buildings and kept them upright and all the gooey insides were all protected.. this meant when historians (the cool cats of the world) came to explore it, they could discover everything about the city as if it had been parcelled up for them.

So, we walked around all fancy pants and saw the city. Got a bit lost. Saw a Pompeii whore house. Tried to find the people and families covered in ash (because that's the kind of family we are), which resulted in my mum asking Italians "do you know where the dead babies are?" excellent. We even sneakily followed an English tour guide for a while. FREEBIES.

We also parked in a cafe carpark and got tricked into eating their un-fresh food. BOO. So, if you go, don't do that!

I don't have a witty ending for this. Other than, I wish it was that sunny again.

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