Friday 13 April 2012

at the tippy tip of Italy

Day 1

Now in Sepia

Our touchdown in Italy started in a typically Italian way... the Naples airport was crazy. Once arriving, we attempted to get a shuttle bus to the car hire place and everyone kept swarming in front of us. This, firstly, confused us. Then it made us determined to get on the next bus. After we squeezed in and felt very pleased with ourselves, we discovered it was literally a 5 minute walk from airport. Damn.

Next we had to map read around Italy in a Citroën.

This was not easy. Especially when scooters overtake you on blind corners and buses do it too!!

We finally arrived at our fancy villa and after a few snapshots we ventured in Sorrento town centre. As it was nearly Easter there was a lot of traffic and we discovered this was because of the parade that goes on through Italy's coastal towns for Easter. We somehow took a detour to the port and managed to find a little restaurant that gave us free champagne on arrival and had views of all the massive ferries docking. It was as posh as that cat.

A few pizzas and wines later, and as we had got up at 4am (with a 6am full on cooked breakfast in the airport) I bet we looked like proper party animals.

Check out that view. bowchickwowwow

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