Tuesday, 9 August 2011

what the world needs now...

is love sweet love.

 hello world. please stop being nasty. thanks
The riots

Its really sad to see a city being destroyed by a few individuals who have jumped on a band wagon in order to steal from people and smash up a few things. The worst thing is seeing hard working and honest people having everything taken away from them by people who are selfish and cruel. 

But.... although it sounds crazy, it kinda makes me happy to see when others pull together in a time like this. People are trying to spot looters by means of social media, checking if friends and families are safe and there is a real sense of people supporting the police to stop this violence. These select few who are causing all this pain and needless damage should be ashamed. Especially as this all began due to the accidental death of a young person and now it seems this is just a platform for a revolution. I am no politician but I am a believer that if you are bad and treat people poorly then nothing good will come back to you.

These horrid people should not be branded as 'youths' because there are plenty of 'youths' who are against this behaviour and stuck with a label put on them by these idiots. We are a younger generation who are going to have to put up with the actions of people today, the terrible way our job market barricades people out of doing something new and exciting and how reliant we are on benefits to just make a life. I am not good with words and I don't claim to know much about the economy, but I know that I can see people on facebook honestly getting angry and hurt by these riots... and these are the people who are young and hard working. 

There we go. My little rant over. 

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