Thursday 31 May 2012

Tuesday 29 May 2012

sunburn lazy days

As I am sure most people are doing the same... here is a quick rundown of sunshine times

pimms. bunny noses. kale. bbqs. sunburn. football. 

Sherlock Holmes evenings. pub quiz. mc flurry lunchbreaks. gig.

Eurovision. apple juice. ducklings. fox socks. maxi dresses. sandals.

ice cubes. bunny run. banana fritters. chicken kebabs.

toast (oh, so much toast), tan lines. bikinis. cameras. cider. ribena.

we do like her spread

We have no idea why our bunny loves this position. But she will sit likes this (have photos of her taken like this) and then lick you.


Starsky really is a keeper

Sunday 27 May 2012

fickle about books

Being sunny means five things:

1. I get too over excited and burn
2. I drink cider on tap (followed by ribena in pint glass quantities... hydration or hiiii-dration)
3. My bunny and I enjoy sprawling on the grass
4. BBQs are the only type of meal we can eat
5. I wish I had a good book to read.. instead of our collection of FHMs and travel books that make me feel like booking the first flight out of here in an instance.

I am so fickle about what I read. I rarely get into any book apart from the odd few like The Secret History, The Handmaid's Tale and various holiday reads that I cannot even name (Possibly Angels and Demons and those sort of ones). So I have recently been on a shopping spree at a sale on at amazon and bought some newbies to try out. Do you recommend any?


Starsky's adventures in the sunshine are proving to be her best days ever. Although we did suffer her first great escape attempt too. We always make sure we are in the house when she is in the run... as we don't want her left to her own devices! However, we turn our back to eat and suddenly a little bunny pops his head around our conservatory and Josh had to dive to catch her. Weird thing is, we have NO IDEA how she got out as we presume she must have slipped under the run (and the gap was tiny) and only because it got knocked the tiniest bit! Good job she knows her way home!

Also, we read that if you put an ice cold bottle of water in the run she would lie next to it to cool down. Yeah, our bunny did nothing of the sort. But she does love licking it!

So to keep her cool we fashioned some shade out of an old cardboard box for our NEW DECK CHAIRS and this has improved the conditions for miss fur coat in the sunshine. I would seriously advise doing the same! Starsky rolls in the dirt to cool down too - which is hilarious to watch. This is a sign they are too warm to we are trying to keep her as cold as possible.

p.s. Starsky now SPRAWLS on the grass like a pancake!

Sunday 20 May 2012

fish surprises

Last weekend we went to the aquarium in Birmingham (Sea life center)... and little did I know, it was all because secretly all my friends were breaking into my house and gathering to surprise me! (Well done Josh for organizing the whole thing without me knowing AT ALL)

However, unaware, I was having a lovely time with fish and a free turtle hat.

The Sea Life center has a turtle and everything!! The shark tunnel was so impressive and there was even a 4D movie (water squirting - air blowing in your face kind of 4D) that actually terrified me, loads of massive tanks full of amazing fish and we got too excited about a quiz (meant for 5 year olds) that we totally won.

It also has a glow in the dark tunnel and a mirror maze that confused the life out of me, didn't really help that Josh spun me around a few times so I walked into a mirror.

And then I walked into the house, went red in the face and got merry!!

Saturday 19 May 2012

bunny bun bun run

Starsky has a new run and she loves bounding around it, especially as she is more energetic.

For new baby bunny owners
May I just also clarify, I am not an expert.. but this is working for us!


Starsky is a really well behaved bunny and has only nibbled once or twice, you can barely even feel it, however as she really enjoys grooming me (licking and washing) then nibbling is not really her saying she is angry, but more affectionate. Bless.

If your bunny is biting then the best thing to do is train them from a young age not to do this. We did some research on this and found that if you make a high pitched "eeeeep" noise at your bunny after they nibble this convinces them that they have hurt you and not to do it. This is because this eep noise is the same sound a rabbit would make if they were hurt. You shouldn't scare the bunny because this could make them bite more in fear. We have used it once and she reacted immediately and stopped. It has not happened since.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

best week EVER

This week has been brilliant due to five little reasons:

This is the meal I had mentioned before, in Byzantium. A tapas selection to die for and a beautiful little place.

I will do this is more detail later, but we have been having many many outings at the moment. One including an aquarium, a Stubblemelt gig, a 3 year anniversary, the Avengers in the cinema and of course my guilty pleasures of Nandos and KFC.

 *drum roll* I have the pleasure to announce that I will be staying at my DREAM JOB for a long time to come as I have been offered to stay on after my internship... and its perfect.

I am so excited to stay on any complete my projects!

Starsky update:

We are officially over the nervous bunny that first arrived. Now Starsky is more fond of sitting on my shoulder, licking my onesie, running round the garden, scoffing down grass, standing on her hind legs and pooing!!

And finally, the SURPRISE PARTY that shocked me so much apparently I looked like I had pooed myself. I was surrounded by all my friends and boy did it get messy!

And the RAINBOW cake was baked by the master baker herself.. Miss Shearer. Found out how she made this AMAZING cake here on her baking blog: short and sweet

A long overdue Positanoooo

Day 3
Italy adventures that feel like an AGE ago

So instead of boring you with all the details. These are some pictures of Positano :)

Just a few little tips for anyone planning to explore this little coast line. We walked right down to the sea edge in Positano and all its stunning, I would recommend trekking up the hill a bit to eat though - as its cheaper! :)

La Rosa was a little restaurant by our villa and it had the best food ever. Sea food fresh from the water, homemade pizza, steak and Italian wine. One of the nicest places to eat!

Beautiful place.

Thursday 10 May 2012

I'm sorry but I had to

post this:
She sat like this. right.

more yay

This week has been a bit of a YAY week.

I have had a day-of-birth which included a LOT of amazingly tasty food and drink. We went to Arco Lounge in Harborne, which is a homely little cafe/bar that has a vast menu of pub grub, large portions of brunch and tapas including some tasty (and large) cocktails! Josh also feasted on Toga Ale, which had a picture of a man drunk in a toga on the tap... that is the sign of a good ale.

We also went to Byzantium in Kings Heath (I have mentioned this place before and will pop up some snaps of the food so you can have a nosey) which is my favorite little restaurant. Its a very small and beautiful restaurant with an incredible Mediterranean menu of halloumi and pork belly and roasted vegetables and omelets and all lip-smackingly-delcious treats. PLUS Creme Catalan for pudding!

Then there is the bunny!

SO these are just a few of my phone pictures from the last week.

A Starsky update:

For anyone raising a small bunny, here is what I am doing!

So little Starsky has had a busy few days. We are trying to encourage her to get used to outside, and its gone amazingly! The first time we set her outside she was terrified, she just sat by me and her she became very wide eyed and her ears were following every noise (I mean, a ladybird scared her) but my tip would be to sit next to them (wearing something she can recognize the smell of) and keep low so you don't tower over them. So, the next time... she was away! She loves grass and literally can at her body weight in it and loves frolicking so much.

Also her diet has been veggied up, we are feeding her all sorts of fruit and veg to see what she likes! (Although, fruit is so sugary to a rabbit that you should never give them too much!) Starsky seems to love broccoli, carrots, cucumber and apple but she hates the rabbit treats from the pet shop so much that she spits in out and buries it in her poo. pleasant.

Her recent tricks: watching grand designs, sleeping in my onesie pocket, sitting on Josh's shoulder and letting her back legs flop and this progressed to sitting on my head.

There we go. An interesting read, or a chunk of your life gone!

Excuse this bunny talk, its going to continue. And you though the fish updates were bad!

Saturday 5 May 2012

and they called it...

bunny love

Starsky has discovered a new talent... bunny kisses... this is going to be the windy road down to being a spinster with a bunny.


She also likes running up Josh's shoulder and sprawling.


Rabbit introductions

I would like you all to

Our little rabbittyyy girl


So whenever she is in her hutch, I can claim there is Starsky in her Hutch.

And she is a crime fighting bunny

She is roughly a couple of months old (8 weeks) and used to live with 5 rowdy rabbit boys.

So far, she enjoys sitting on our stomach and her left leg always seems to flop all over the place. She is really calm and as rabbits are really sociable she loves to be talked to (apparently rabbits can make friends with birds!) and as she is soon to be an outdoorsy rabbit, but has to have a couple of weeks to adjust, we might have soon birdy visitors in the garden!

We got a booklet about all the plants and vegetables she can eat, apparently some give her gas and must be avoided! ha!

So that's my rundown so far. If you have any tips about rabbits, let me know!

Friday 4 May 2012

birthday love

4 days to go, until I am the BIG 23.

So, I thought I would share twenty three...

1. Painting and getting it all over my hands (when you were young did you ever peal PVA glue off your fingers? best feeling everrr) and feeling ever so proud. New t shirts soon to be revealed...

2. The Matrix - rediscovering it all over again

3. Surprises (birthday ones too!)

4. A biscuit tin we bought and have filled with the classics: jammy dodgers, custard creams, chocolate digestives, shortbread bites and party rings. Its the little things in life eh?

5. The boys texting me when they are on the toilet.

6. Byzatium in Birmingham. This restaurant is a tapas restaurant, check out this lussshhh menu, this is the restaurant's site

7. Discussing my cheese farm plans 

8. Hearty cafe lunches

9. Watching this beaut on you tube: cats yawning

10. Having a night of laughing so hard that all the photos make our faces look mental

11. - my tumblr page. I love funny cat pictures.

12. Topshop sales, finally a chance for me to buy that dress that was priced at a squillion pounds to a top-of-my-spending-range £20.

13. People who build amazing things from Lego

14. This song ... so I can bee FREEEEE (this accent makes me hot)

15. And on that note, Scott Mills on Radio 1. Bravo sir.

16. The Apprentice (I put a bet on Laura Hogg when the list of candidates was released. Team Hogg!)

17. Moustache styled things

18. Learning to design in flash and creating websites from scratch... yesss these fancy things are what I do at work! huzzah!

19. The Junction pub in Harborne with scrabble and grilled asparagus pub food?!? And Harborne pubs in general.

20. FHM (without their opinions on the sexiest woman)

21. Joshs-rumba-hoover-watching session

22. Maxi dresses

23. Him <3

Wednesday 2 May 2012

a week summed up by that ugly mug:

See this happy face. Yes that is Candyfloss, direct from a bar... and it sums up my weeks worth of:

A posh meal out for the Chamber of Commerce Awards

An evening out with my lovely friends.

Exploring the pubs of Harborne

Scrabble Friday

A massive carvery meal fit for kings

Green screening at work

Watching Man City v. Man United with the added bonus of scrumpy cider and a cat.

Over and Out