Sunday, 27 May 2012

fickle about books

Being sunny means five things:

1. I get too over excited and burn
2. I drink cider on tap (followed by ribena in pint glass quantities... hydration or hiiii-dration)
3. My bunny and I enjoy sprawling on the grass
4. BBQs are the only type of meal we can eat
5. I wish I had a good book to read.. instead of our collection of FHMs and travel books that make me feel like booking the first flight out of here in an instance.

I am so fickle about what I read. I rarely get into any book apart from the odd few like The Secret History, The Handmaid's Tale and various holiday reads that I cannot even name (Possibly Angels and Demons and those sort of ones). So I have recently been on a shopping spree at a sale on at amazon and bought some newbies to try out. Do you recommend any?


Starsky's adventures in the sunshine are proving to be her best days ever. Although we did suffer her first great escape attempt too. We always make sure we are in the house when she is in the run... as we don't want her left to her own devices! However, we turn our back to eat and suddenly a little bunny pops his head around our conservatory and Josh had to dive to catch her. Weird thing is, we have NO IDEA how she got out as we presume she must have slipped under the run (and the gap was tiny) and only because it got knocked the tiniest bit! Good job she knows her way home!

Also, we read that if you put an ice cold bottle of water in the run she would lie next to it to cool down. Yeah, our bunny did nothing of the sort. But she does love licking it!

So to keep her cool we fashioned some shade out of an old cardboard box for our NEW DECK CHAIRS and this has improved the conditions for miss fur coat in the sunshine. I would seriously advise doing the same! Starsky rolls in the dirt to cool down too - which is hilarious to watch. This is a sign they are too warm to we are trying to keep her as cold as possible.

p.s. Starsky now SPRAWLS on the grass like a pancake!

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