Friday, 4 May 2012

birthday love

4 days to go, until I am the BIG 23.

So, I thought I would share twenty three...

1. Painting and getting it all over my hands (when you were young did you ever peal PVA glue off your fingers? best feeling everrr) and feeling ever so proud. New t shirts soon to be revealed...

2. The Matrix - rediscovering it all over again

3. Surprises (birthday ones too!)

4. A biscuit tin we bought and have filled with the classics: jammy dodgers, custard creams, chocolate digestives, shortbread bites and party rings. Its the little things in life eh?

5. The boys texting me when they are on the toilet.

6. Byzatium in Birmingham. This restaurant is a tapas restaurant, check out this lussshhh menu, this is the restaurant's site

7. Discussing my cheese farm plans 

8. Hearty cafe lunches

9. Watching this beaut on you tube: cats yawning

10. Having a night of laughing so hard that all the photos make our faces look mental

11. - my tumblr page. I love funny cat pictures.

12. Topshop sales, finally a chance for me to buy that dress that was priced at a squillion pounds to a top-of-my-spending-range £20.

13. People who build amazing things from Lego

14. This song ... so I can bee FREEEEE (this accent makes me hot)

15. And on that note, Scott Mills on Radio 1. Bravo sir.

16. The Apprentice (I put a bet on Laura Hogg when the list of candidates was released. Team Hogg!)

17. Moustache styled things

18. Learning to design in flash and creating websites from scratch... yesss these fancy things are what I do at work! huzzah!

19. The Junction pub in Harborne with scrabble and grilled asparagus pub food?!? And Harborne pubs in general.

20. FHM (without their opinions on the sexiest woman)

21. Joshs-rumba-hoover-watching session

22. Maxi dresses

23. Him <3

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