Saturday, 19 May 2012

bunny bun bun run

Starsky has a new run and she loves bounding around it, especially as she is more energetic.

For new baby bunny owners
May I just also clarify, I am not an expert.. but this is working for us!


Starsky is a really well behaved bunny and has only nibbled once or twice, you can barely even feel it, however as she really enjoys grooming me (licking and washing) then nibbling is not really her saying she is angry, but more affectionate. Bless.

If your bunny is biting then the best thing to do is train them from a young age not to do this. We did some research on this and found that if you make a high pitched "eeeeep" noise at your bunny after they nibble this convinces them that they have hurt you and not to do it. This is because this eep noise is the same sound a rabbit would make if they were hurt. You shouldn't scare the bunny because this could make them bite more in fear. We have used it once and she reacted immediately and stopped. It has not happened since.

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