Wednesday 23 November 2011

do you know what is quite sad?

How much I love Frozen Planet.
 Other things I am loving currently:

My tapas dinner out, Josh's moustachio tickles, getting excited about interviews, my earmuffs, Asda's hazelnut truffle chocolate bar for only a squid, X-men deeply misleading me about Wolverine, my hot water bottle, cheap whiskey, my travel photos getting nicely backed up by Josh's clever hard-drive, the German Market selling sausages and beer, steak pie, pay day, my new stripey jumper that should arrive in the post anyday now, my onesie, waistcoats, the dancing diggers that are due to perform tomorrow (whaaattt?), the fight I saw in Greggs when getting my sausage roll, going home, spooning my lovely friends, my naughty calendar I bought Nia.

Also if this does not make you all squidgy and happy, I don't know what will


On a little bit of a pooey note, things I got angry about:

Train fines, my current job that is draining me, angry people in the city centre, Polar Bears starving marving (it makes me sad), that Cancer research advert with the old man crying on the sofa, the cold.

Phewww.. the nice list is longer :)

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