Tuesday, 29 November 2011

a german moustachio market

The German Market in Birmingham

Over the Christmas period the Germans descend on Birmingham for....

Massive long sausages (giggidy), Christmas gifts, gnomes, woolly hats, beer, mulled wine, giant wooden market stalls, hundreds of Christmas lights, advent calendars, singing reindeer, father Christmas, cookies, someone filling the fountain with bubble bath and creating foamy snow, moustaches (which by the way, Dave and Josh are sporty in a very creepy way), ANIMAL hats, cold winter nights, coffee and other delicious treats.

So the photos show: the creepy faces of two moustachiooo men, cocktails called ZOMBIESS, the giant advert calendar stall, sausages, a christmassssy-take on a very dull picture, rosey nosey beer, the stalls all lit up and a bit of a couply moment. 

My favourite moments: Sausages straight from the grill, my earmuffs, Dave walking into a post and telling a poor girl walking past, a Russian Olympist doing a back flip in the street, the foamy snow prank, Dave being called 'Manueeelll' and attaching a helium star balloon to Dave as he tried to understand where it was.

Also, I saw the Coke advert... which everyone knows means.... CHRISTMAS IS SOON.

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