Monday, 16 May 2011

Bibinje (or Bibin-YAAAAY)

 The birthday trip 

For my birthday we flew to Croatia, and boy was it beautiful!

We were staying in this cute little hostel in Bibinje (just outside Zadar). It was so isolated that we were surrounded by the sea like we were on our own little island. The coast around Croatia is called the Dalmatian coast because there are so many islands... that from above it can look like the coat of a Dalmatian. Also the sea is so clear and you can see the islands from the mainland.

There isn't much in Bibinje... but that's why we liked it! You can hop between little cafe/bars, admire the coastline and the there is also a bus to Zadar every hour or so (on Sunday this is a lot less!). The restaurant we went to sold home-baked pizza and 1 litre bottles of wine that was all delicious and fresh. There is also a small market that you find down the side streets that sells most general supplies.

The holiday started in style with 11am drinks in the airport with a woman who didn't know how to make jaeger bombs so me and Holly had to grin and bare the weirdest morning drink. Then once arriving into the heat of Croatia we were greeted with some taxi men who gave me free Birthday cherries as apparently they had hand-picked an entire carrier bag that day. Eve was our test-goat for these cherries. After a quick squeal at the hostel and explore... we hunted out food. The evening consisted of pizzas and wine before we ventured into Zadar for a night out. The drinks were cheap at about £2 cocktails in really friendly bars. We decided that it was only fitting to have to complete a list of 22 tasks... that we managed to loose half way through the night. We did however manage to complete a few, including making some guys do the YMCA. This ended badly with Eve being nearly squashed by the guys and then me throwing a drunken tantrum about the boys not getting into our taxis!! We are such girls. BUT I managed to squeal "ittsss maaaa birrrthdaaaaay" a bazillion times :)

Part two later on.

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