Monday, 23 May 2011

Run Forrest RUN!

The Gothenburg half marathon (which is still 21 km, so doesn't seem like a HALF-marathon at all)

The half marathon in Gothenburg is a massive event. The main roads are all closed and all the hotels and surrounding hostels are fully booked with people! There were so many people involved that when we sat and watched the marathon from above, we saw a constant crowd of runners for 5 hours straight.  This also meant the floors were covered in the sponges that the runners had used to mop their brows and then dropped on the floor, it looked like they were running on cake!

Also there were bands everywhere playing music for the runners and the drinking came out in force from spectators.

Also a special well done to the bee that ran in complete head-to-toe costume in the heat. He/she must have been absolutely baking!

Things I learnt:
  1.  Seagulls in Gothenburg are cocky BIG things that make friends with Josh very easily.
  2. Sunshine makes everything fantastic
  3. I like wearing waistcoats on days out as I feel like a proper dapper lass.
  4. Give me a few ciders during the day and I hug giant posters of cider
  5. Don't take beer off random men with kegs in the streets as they tell you within only a few seconds that they are criminals who are going to import beer from abroad and sell it for profit for his drug trade... after he just got out of jail.
  6. The clubs in Sweden have epically long queues and people do anything to push in - including a group of women trying to convince the people they pushed in front of in the queue I was their friends, even though I spoke no Swedish!! I some how don't think the people believed her... and she left.
  7. Don't tell yourself you will give up eating chicken nuggets and then go on a night out. 
  8. Don't ever challenge Josh to do a marathon five days before the marathon is meant to begin. He will attempt this.
  9. If a man asks you to 'jive' in a club this actually means that he wants to lift you up. 
  10. I got wimpy and wouldn't steal the marathon t-shirt so Josh had too. Hooraaayy a sweaty t-shirt!

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