Wednesday 11 May 2011

its my birthdaaaay

May 8th.

Popping home for a cheeky little birthday including a few of the family favourites:

We had a big chocolate birthday cake
Fish and chips from the local chippy with wine (of course)
And watched our family film the Scarlet Pimpernel (its truly awful as you will be able to tell from the clip but it really does make our family laugh) It all started from a family holiday years and years ago when I was young and it rained all 2 weeks. Therefore we only had a few bits of entertainment which included a newspaper with a free DVD of The Scarlet Pimpernel. After one watch we were converted... it was truly the worst/best film we had ever watched. Wet fish ma dear.

My present were also an odd bunch: my sister Becky gave me some transportable urinals whilst the other sister Jennie got me HUNGRY HIPPOS, my mum gave me an underwater camera which looks so cool and retro, Josh got me a drinking straw kit and I get to adopt a donkey and my friends obviously got me a burger king hat and cheeky drinks. HUZZAH.

For my actual birthday I got to go to Croatia for 3 days. It was beautiful (and obviously that will be in a whole other post - so much to tell!)

What a lovely birthday.

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