Sunday, 12 February 2012

Circle time

now lets all hold hands and confess that we have bad breath in the morning...

well, unless you brush your teeth and such malarky. psht. clean.

so as you can tell, I got a new fish eye lens for my camera and boy does everything look better in a circle.

By the way, I realise I have not yet mastered the art of this lens yet as I thought for a while that the shadow that appears in the photo when it flashes... was my head. This cannot be my head. I do NOW know this is for a number of reasons, most are pretty obvious, but the last picture really threw me when I saw my own head in the shot.

Anywhooo, my weekend consisted of:

Whiskey nights, buying two new fish called Peanut (because he looks like he has had an allergic reaction... Josh picks all the ugly fish) and Kel who is a ginger ninja of a fish (who likes oraangeee sodaaa), eating a roast, baking banana bread which was possibly the best combo of bananas and baking goods, trying Cidre and speaking like an Italian, watching Sherlock Holmes and getting all clever, getting tipsy and falling asleep like the coolest cat in the alley, realising that we cannot see some of our living room floor due to the amount of apples, cheese and beef we have consumed (and the fact all of these have a lot of wrappers? ignore the apples in that list then), lie-ins AND enjoying my little self. 

3 interview in 2 days, here I come.

I do enjoy holding hands


  1. Good luck at the interviews lovely! x

  2. Thanks Becca! I have the nervous-last-minute-internet-distractions right now, I think I have looked at my facebook news feed at least 7 times this morning, NOBODY IS AWAKE! ha ha.
    Thats something I should never publically admit. Oh well, to the interview!
