Saturday 11 February 2012

this time last year

.....we were preparing to go to Gothenburg 
I don't know why I chose this photo to demonstrate Gothenburg, because thats just the inside of a supermarket, but at least we are buying cheese. That makes us pretty cool.

And now, we are in Brummie. I have 3 interviews next week to start a new chapter in my life, doing something I actually enjoy and boy do I want to find a job I can actually be truly enthusiastic about. I just hope I do not have a 'hannah' moment (as some people at my work call them) when I say things like "I like turtles" when asked about my interests or tell future employers I didn't mean to dye my hair ginger that one time and I need to go buy some more brown hair dye to cover it up.

BUT next week I am soooo looking forward to going home, partly due to the lie-ins and the fact my parent's house is very warm warm warm and I do enjoy a warm spot to nap in but also there is nothing like snooping in my old bedroom and finding embarrassing pictures or diaries. yesssss.

Meanwhile, I do hope I can convince Josh to play little big planet with me all weekend long whilst sipping on cidre (I did spell that right) and whiskey.

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