Tuesday 26 April 2011

upsy downsy

We had a pepperoni pizza picnic perched on piles of prominent pebbles (i.e. pizza overlooking Gothenburg)

After work me and Josh meet for a little pizza times on our favourite little spot on the top of the world. nom nom nom. 

And then the cycle of bullying begins when Josh hits me over the head:

  I would love to tell you that was all posed. It was not. In fact, this is kind of a re-occuring thing in our relationship. HA.

Can you spot whats wrong with this picture? its like playing 'where's wally?'

This is my favourite season just because of moments like this. Eating pizza, overlooking Gothenburg, with birds tweeting, many people getting scared to death on a ride in the background (I will come back to this point**) and all whilst the sun sets.... hello perfect. 

**The famous Swedish themepark Liseberg has opened up for the summery months just literally a few streets from where I'm staying. There is the most terrifyingly high ride that drops people called atmos-fear that you can see from the main street and this hill. It literally makes me jump everytime I think its all quiet and suddenly you hear loads of people screaming as they are dropped.

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